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Accueil du site > Publications > Lectures in Mathematics & Theoretical Physics

Lectures in Mathematics & Theoretical Physics

Editor : Vladimir Turaev, Strasbourg, France

Voir Présentation

Cette collection est consacrée à la publication des actes de conférences et workshops organisés par l’Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, de monographies scientifiques et d’autres écrits mathématiques jugés intéressants par l’éditeur.
L’EMS pratique des tarifs préférentiels pour les participants aux Rencontres entre mathématiciens et physiciens théoriciens qui se déroulent à l’IRMA.

Voir Volume 12 : Quantum Groups

Directed at research mathematicians and theoretical physicists as well as graduate students, the volume gives an overview of the ongoing research in the domain of quantum groups, an important subject of current mathematical physics.

Voir Volume 11 : Handbook of Teichmüller Theory, Volume I

The purpose of this handbook is to give a panorama of some of the most important aspects of Teichmüller theory. The handbook should be useful to specialists in the field, to graduate students, and more generally to mathematicians who want to learn about the subject. All the chapters are self-contained and have a pedagogical character. They are written by leading experts in the subject.

Voir Volume 10 : Physics and Number Theory

There is a rich and historical relationship between theoretical physics and number theory. This volume presents a selection of problems which are currently in full development and inspire a lot of research going on. Each of the seven contributions starts with an introductory survey which makes it possible even for non-specialists to understand the results and to gain an idea of the great variety of subjects and techniques used.

Voir Volume 09 : Differential Equations and Quantum Groups

This special volume is dedicated to the memory of Andrey A. Bolibrukh. It contains two expository articles devoted to some aspects of Bolibrukh’s work, followed by ten refereed research articles.

Voir Volume 08 : AdS/CFT Correspondence : Einstein Metrics and Their Conformal Boundaries

Since its discovery in 1997 by Maldacena, AdS/CFT correspondence has become one of the prime subjects of interest in string theory, as well as one of the main meeting points between theoretical physics and mathematics. On the physical side it provides a duality between a theory of quantum gravity and a field theory. The mathematical counterpart is the relation between Einstein metrics and their conformal boundaries. The correspondence has been intensively studied, and a lot of progress emerged from the confrontation of viewpoints between mathematics and physics.

Voir Volume 07 : Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic and Kinetic Problems

Hyperbolic and kinetic equations arise in a large variety of industrial problems. For this reason, the CEMRACS summer research center held at CIRM in Luminy in 2003 was devoted to this topic. During a six-week period, junior and senior researchers worked full time on several projects proposed by industry and academia. Most of this work was completed later on, and the results are now reported in the present book.

Voir Volume 06 : Metric Spaces, Convexity and Nonpositive Curvature

This book is about metric spaces of nonpositive curvature in the sense of Busemann, that is, metric spaces whose distance function satisfies a convexity condition. The book also contains a systematic introduction to the theory of geodesics, as well as a detailed presentation of some facets of convexity theory that are useful in the study of nonpositive curvature.

Voir Volume 05 : Infinite Dimensional Groups and Manifolds

This volume is a collection of refereed research papers on infinite dimensional groups and manifolds in mathematics and quantum physics. Langue : anglais / This volume is a collection of refereed research papers on infinite dimensional groups and manifolds in mathematics and quantum physics. Language : english.

Voir Volume 04 : Three Courses on Partial Differential Equations

This book provides an introduction to three different topics in partial differential equations arising from applications. Langue : english / This book provides an introduction to three different topics in partial differential equations arising from applications. Language : english

Voir Volume 03 : From Combinatorics to Dynamical Systems

Journées de Calcul Formel, Strasbourg, March 22-23, 2002 / Journées de Calcul Formel, Strasbourg, March 22-23, 2002. Language : English

Voir Volume 02 : Locally compact quantum groups and groupoids

Actes des Rencontres entre Physiciens Théoriciens et Mathématiciens qui se sont déroulées du 21 au 23 février 2002. Langue : anglais / Proceedings of the Meeting of Theoretical Physicists and Mathematicians, Strasbourg, February 21-23, 2002. Language : english.

Voir Volume 01 : Deformation Quantization

Actes de la Rencontre entre Physiciens Théoriciens et Mathématiciens, qui s’est déroulée du 31 mai au 2 juin 2001 à l’IRMA. Langue : anglais. / Proceedings of the Meeting of Theoretical Physicists and Mathematicians, Strasbourg, May 31-June 2, 2001. Language : english