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Bosbach states on fuzzy structures

G. GeorgescuContact Information

(1) Institute of Mathematics, University of Bucharest, Str. Academiei 14, 70109 Bucharest, Romania

Published online: 14 July 2003

Abstract  Pseudo-BL algebras are non-commutative fuzzy structures which generalize BL-algebras and pseudo-MV algebras. In this paper we study the states on a pseudo-BL algebra. This concept is obtained by using the Bosbach condition for each of the two implications of a pseudo BL-algebra. We also propose a notion of conditional state for BL-algebras.

Keywords  Pseudo-BL algebra - Bosbach states - Conditional state

The author would like to thank Lauretcediliu Leuscediltean for his valuable suggestions in obtaining the final version of the paper.

Contact InformationG. Georgescu
Email: georgescu@funinf.math.unibuc.ro
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