2005By David Waite
Modern Relativity
These units explain general relativity only. We assume that the reader already has a full understanding of special relativity. For info on special relativity try our special relativity unit - Unit I - Special Relativity
Unit II
Foundations For General Relativity
4.1 - The Conceptual Premises For GR
Chapter 5 GR Dynamic Implications
Chapter 6 Gravitation's Source
6.1 - Curvature, Parallel transport, and the Riemann tensor
6.2 - Mach, Gravitational Forces, and Tidal Gradients
6.3 - Stress Energy of Matter and Einstein's Field Equations
Unit III
Using General Relativity
Chapter 7 Electromagnetism in GR
Chapter 8 Robertson-Walker and the Big Bang
Chapter 9 Linearized Weak Field Gravitation
Unit IV
Black Holes
Chapter 10 The Schwarzschild Black Hole
10.1 - The Schwarzschild Solution
10.2 - Hovering over a Schwarzschild Black Hole
Chapter 11 Charged and Rotating Black Holes and Their Thermodynamics
Unit V
Fringe Physics in General Relativity
13.1 - Using General Relativity to Change the Remote Coordinate Speed of Light c'
Chapter 14 Other Faster Than c Methods
Appendix A: Newtonian-Relativistic Comparisons
Appendix B: Planck - SI Unit Conversion
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