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Vibrational and Rotational Spectroscopies

Vibrational- Rotational Spectroscopy, Fluorescence and Chemical-Hyperspectral Imaging

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DNA Structures and XRD Patterns


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Figure 1. : Three DNA Molecular Configurations: A-DNA, B-DNA (fully hydrated) and Z-DNA


Figure 2. Comparison of XRD patterns of A— (left) and B—(right) DNA


Figure 3: A DNA Biochip. Can one have DNA nanocomputing?

XRD Experiment Example



Figure 4: Bragg's Law of Diffraction

Applications to Genomics, Genomic Technologies and Beyond



c-DNA arrays for genetic analysis on a chip


DNA Biochip



DNA-Quadruplex: A possible source of Cancers

Animated DNA Molecular Models and Hydrogen-Bonding in DNA

Animated molecular models allow one to visually explore the three-dimensional (3D) structure of DNA. The first DNA model is a space-filling, or [[CPK]], model of the DNA double-helix whereas the third is an animated wire, or skeletal type, molecular model of DNA. The last two DNA molecular models in this series depict [WWW]quadruplex DNA that may be involved in certain cancers<ref>[WWW]</ref><ref>[WWW]</ref>. The first CPK model in the second row is a molecular model of hydrogen bonds between water molecules in ice that are broadly similar to those found in DNA; the hydrogen bonding dynamics and proton exchange is however very different by many orders of magnitude between the two systems of fully hydrated DNA and water molecules in ice. Thus, the DNA dynamics is complex, involving nanosecond and several tens of picosecond time scales, whereas that of liquid ice is on the picosecond time scale, and that of proton exchange in ice is on the millisecond time scale; the proton exchange rates in DNA and attached proteins may vary from picosecond to nanosecond, minutes or years, depending on the exact locations of the exchanged protons in the large biopolymers. The simple [[harmonic oscillator]] 'vibration' in the third, animated image of the next gallery is only an oversimplified dynamic representation of the longitudinal vibrations of the DNA intertwined helices which were found to be [[anharmonic]] rather than harmonic as often assumed in quantum dynamic simulations of DNA.

Image Gallery




Close-packed (CPK) molecular model




Hydrogen bonds in DNA


Planar Nanostructures built with DNA molecules








Carboxysome 3D-Structure Reconstruction


Fluorescence Image of a Dividing Cell


A- , B- and Z- DNA Configurations


c-DNA arrays"'


DNA-Quadruplex: A possible source of Cancers

Web Links listing:

NIR Imaging of Single Cancer Cells in Human Breast Tumors






NIR Analyses of Amino Acid Residues in Proteins



Spectroscopy and Applications Book:

Spectroscopy Principles, Techniques and Applications

2D-FT NMRI and Spectroscopy



"Principles of NIR Spectroscopy" (VIP) :

Applications to Biotechnology and Medicine:

Novel Techniques and Their Wide Applications to Health Foods, Medical and Agricultural Biotechnology in Relation to Policy Making on Genetically Modified Crops and Foods / Baianu, I C ; Prisecaru, V I ; Lozano, P ; Lin, H C. : Abstract: Selected applications of novel techniques in Agricultural Biotechnology, Health Food formulations and Medical Biotechnology are being reviewed with the aim of unraveling future developments and policy changes that are likely to open new markets for Biotechnology and prevent the shrinking or closing of existing ones. [...]
EXT-2004-066. - 2004. - 38 p.

Near Infrared Microspectroscopy, Fluorescence Microspectroscopy, Infrared Chemical Imaging and High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis of Soybean Seeds, Somatic Embryos and Single Cells / Baianu, I C ; Costescu, D ; Hofmann, N E ; Korban, S S ; Lozano, P ; You, T
Novel methodologies are currently being developed and established for the chemical analysis of soybean seeds, embryos and single cells by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR), Fourier Transform Near Infrared (FT-NIR) Microspectroscopy, Fluorescence and High-Resolution NMR (HR-NMR). [...]
EXT-2004-068. - 2002. - 4 p.


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