Online Verisons of Some Presentations
of Robert Gardner
Math Presentations (AMS/MAA/Seminars)
- "Dealing with Infinite Dimensional Vector Spaces in Sophomore Linear Algebra,"
80th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the Mathematical Association of America at Huntingdon College in March, 2001.
(Also available in PostScript.)
- "Introductory Level Analysis: Synthesizing R, Rn, Metric Spaces and Topological Spaces,"
82nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the MAA, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, March 2003. (Also available in PostScript.)
- "Some Graph, Digraph, and Mixed Graph Results Concerning Decompositions, Packings and Coverings," Joint AMS MAA Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, January 2005.
- Euler Tricentennial Presentation
- "The Wright Brothers, Bernoulli, and a Surprise from Upper East Tennessee": PDF, PS.
- The Shape of Space PDF and PostScript.
- Non-Euclidean Geometry, highschool version: PDF.
- Triple Systems from Graph Decompositions (in PowerPoint), AMS Fall Southeastern Meeting, Huntsville, AL, October 25, 2008.
Some Special Classnotes
- Special Relativity Notes for Great Ideas in Science: PDF and PS.
- Notes for the "Meaning of Mathematics" are available in PDF and PS formats.
- Notes on "Euclidean Geometry" are available in
PDF and PS formats.
- Notes on "NonEuclidean Geometry" are available in PDF and PS formats.
- Notes on "Infinity" are available in PDF and PS formats.
- Introduction to Biological Evolution: PDF
and PostScript.
- Evolution as Optimization: PDF
and PostScript.
- Natural Selection and the Fundamental Theorem:
and PostScript.
Adaptive Topographies: PDF
and PostScript.
- Supervised Teaching (MATH 5019) introductory notes: Teaching - The Mechanics.
American Astronomical Society Posters
After about 20 years of effort, my interest in astronomy is finally taking
on a tiny bit of a professional air! I have given the following poster
presentations at meetings of the
American Astronomical Society:
Visualizing the
Big Bang: An Introduction to Topology and 3-Manifolds for Undergraduates
At the 194th Meeting in Chicago, IL in June 1999.
A Mathematically Sound Introduction to Relativity for Math, Physics and
Astronomy Majors
at the 195th Meeting in Atlanta, GA during January 2000.
Planetarium Shows
I have developed a few planetarium shows and presented them at the ETSU
Planetarium (of which I am the codirector). I have created "virtual
planetarium shows" of each. They include:
"The Milky Way and Beyond!"
"Mars: A Century of Exploration"
"Relativity and Black Holes"
"Dinosaurs: Their Lives, Their Deaths, and Their Evolution!"
- "The Wright Brothers: A Centennial Tribute." Of related interest is my presentation on "The Wright Brothers, Bernoulli, and a Surprise from Upper East Tennessee": PDF, PS.
- "Albert Einstein - A Centennial Celebration of His Miraculous Year."
- The Space Age Turns 50 - Ideas of Spaceflight from the Early 20th Century."
- 800 Million Miles from Home - Cassini at Saturn (a planetarium show given January 20, 2005), COMING SOON!
- Our Universe - A Guided Tour (a planetarium show for the Great Ideas in Science class), COMING SOON!
Observatory Open Houses
I have given a couple of different presentations at the open houses of the
Harry Powell
Observatory. They include:
"The Shape of Space"
"Mars, Here We Come!"
Astronomical "Expeditions"
Here are some simple webpages with photos of some astronomical events observed from Johnson City:
- Though the weather wasn't very cooperative, I did mount an "expedition" to the local Kroger parking lot to view the recent transit of Venus. Here's some details.
The ETSU 2005 solar eclipse "expedition" also was plagued by clouds. Here's details on this one.
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Last updated: October 22, 2008.